The Definition of Critical

 Expressing of or involving an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of literature, music, or art. Also, have disapproving thoughts of a matter. 

 Music (lyrics on Spotify)

  • What’s Going -On-Marvin Gaye
  • Mo Mony Mo Problems- The Nortius B.I.G.  
  • Video- India Arie 
  • 2o Something and Normal Girl- SZA
  • Lizo’s Cuz I Love You Album 
  • Rainbow-Kesha 
Kesha’s Rainbow Album Cover

The bolded songs are saying the same thing to different generations.

Marvin Gaye

These songs mean a lot to me because they speak to how African Americans are treated in the United States. Others speak to how women’s bodies are analyzed and the unfair standards we have to face. It was hard to pick songs because songs that are critical to me may not be to others. 

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