Inside the Audre Lorde Archives

The Spelman College Archives holds a compelling collection and amongst the collection is the Audre Lorde Papers. Comprised of letters, text, audio, and visual elements, the papers allow for a full view of Audre Lordes work and life. I’ve visited the archives twice this month to view letters, photos, and video work for the collection for my thesis and reflect and appreciate the words and legacy of Lorde.

One of the fascinating finds from the archive were Mildred Thompsons’ letters to her. Thompson was a profound painter and artist. She graduated from Howard University in 1957, held a residency at Spelman College, and taught at the Atlanta College of Art. Thompson was an abstract painter who often thought about ideas surrounding astronomy, spiritualism, and metaphysics. In 2019, the Spelman Museum presented the exhibition Mildred Thompson: The Atlanta Years, 1986 – 2003.

Despite viewing the exhibition and being an avid lover of Lorde, until I looked through Audre Lorde’s papers, I had no idea the two were connected. Lorde’s collection holds at least 30 letters from Thompson to Lorde. Thompson often started her letters with “My dearest Audre!” And ended them with, “Know that I love you, Milli.” In her letters, Thompson spoke of the two’s unique connection, one where she felt constantly inspired and in awe of her. She also spoke of the beauty in the everyday. The two clearly had a deep connection, and I would be interested in continuing to see the links the two made between their artistic practice, one being a writer one being a visual artist.

This quote from one letter from Thompson to Lorde, I feel, speak to their relationship:

 “Audre you know what…as I am writing this to you I am also baking a real honest to goodness homemade millimade apple pie, it smells so good. Don’t care much about eating it but I sure do love to smell it baking. Something about an apple pie baking in the oven that makes a place sure feel like home, don’t it Audre.”

– Jordan

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